This was 2018

This was 2018. The year I started my own design studio: Human Deluxe. The year before I had left the gaming industry after seven years. Partly because it was about time, but mostly because I wanted to work with companies from other industries. And boy I sure did that! For the first year of my new-born studio, I worked with over 28 client from: Healthcare, Finance, Blockchain, Entertainment, Smart Home Tech, Mobility and, well, Gaming.
I had the chance to work on some truly amazing projects:
- Helping two big blockchain ICOs raise over $100m+
- Support an established ad agency kickstart their Innovation Hub in Berlin
- Rebranding a Smart Home company
- Working with the German Space Agency DLR on the future of autonomous mobility
- Doing design work for Podcasts, Outdoor brands and Healthcare apps
Too just name a few highlights.
Again, I ran a course with my lovely Web Development students from SRH Berlin, teaching some UX design basics. It is always great to work with young aspiring creative people!
I’ve facilitated over 21 brand workshops and Design Sprints with clients, partners and students.
I’ve traveled to clients in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Mainz and well, Potsdam. My traveled to the narrowest island of Portugal, enjoying that sweet beach life. I visited Spain for the OFFF Conference in Barcelona. There, I bumped into design legend David Carson - we talked about App design and, of course, surfing.
The new “Infographics” book edition was released, to which I contributed a chapter about onscreen infographics. I turned this chapter into a talk and got the chance to present it at the Beyond Tellerrand conference warmup and the dpa Infographic Client Conference.
Yet there’s one thing I really missed doing in 2018, which I intend to change next year: I really did a bad job at updating this section of my website and publishing new articles. So this is definitely a goal for me next year.
If you want to turn resolutions into goals, check out Chris Guillaume’s Annual Review template – good stuff!
2019, here we go! Happy new year, y’all!